Rosemont Baptist Church
Monday, February 17, 2025
Serving the Lord Family Style


Rosemont Baptist Church is responsible for the maintenance and upkeep of Early Cemetery and the Cemetery Committee must approve all burials including urns.  Rosemont maintains a map and record of most all plots.  If you are searching for someone who may be interned at Early Cemetery, please contact the church office.
The following rules and procedures are set for Early Cemetery

In the interest of maintaining accurate records of the various plots and maintenance of Early Cemetery and providing for an orderly use of the cemetery the following procedures and rules apply:

1.   No burials of any sort (including urns with ashes) may take place without coordination and permission of Rosemont Baptist Church, with either the pastor or a member of the Early Cemetery Committee.

2.   All body burials will be done with a vault.  No casket only burials.  Ashes to be buried must use a container/urn of sturdy, non-degradable construction such as a ceramic or medal urn.  No wood, or carboard urns will be permitted to be buried.  No above ground crypts or vaults permitted.  Vaults must be completely buried.  A concrete/stone slab is permitted.

3.   A burial fee of $100 will be paid to Rosemont Baptist Church for all burials including urns. The burial fee is to help offset the cost of maintenance and is not tax deductible.

4.  Only one body per plot.  However urns may be placed in the same plot with a buried vault/casket.  Four urns may utilize a single plot.  Each urn must have a marker (see 5 below).

5.   All burials, including all urns, will have a permanent marker placed within 6 months of burial.  Markers will include, at a minimum, the name of the deceased and the date of death.
Early Cemetery is a Christian Cemetery, so markers will not include any non or anti-Christian religious markings or phrases/verses (such as Islamic, Buddhist, Hindu, Satanic, Naturist, etc.).  Military, secular organizational, and/or picture markings, phrases/verses are permitted.  If there is any question as to what is permitted, ask the pastor of Rosemont Baptist Church.

6.   Exclusive use to a burial plot may be purchased from Rosemont Baptist Church.  Only plots in the newer section of the cemetery, along the northern side of the cemetery, along the fence are available for sale.  Plots 1A through 32A will be available first, followed by plots 37A-76A at a later date.  All sales are made with the following restrictions:

A.  Exclusive use to a plot is $600 each.  Only whole plots are sold, even if only an urn is to be buried.  More than one urn may be buried (see 4 above).  The purchase price of exclusive use of a plot is to be used for the maintenance of the cemetery and is not tax deductible .

B.  Rosemont Baptist Church retains ownership of all plots.  Only the exclusive use to a plot is sold.

C.  Each plot sold will have a name assigned.  The plot can only be used by the named person or a close family member.  If a family no longer needs the exclusive use to the plot they have purchased, the exclusive use to the plot will revert back to Rosemont Baptist Church with no refund.  Exclusive use to a plots may not be resold or given away.  There is no transfer of the exclusive use to a plot or group of plots.

D.  Once exclusive use to a plot has been purchased, the individual or family may place low-lying corner markers only (so a mower can pass over) to identify the plot until the plot is needed.

7.   No plots in the older or southern side of the cemetery will be sold.  Any open plot will be used for church members, established families with relatives already interred in the cemetery, or long time established members of the community with ties to Rosemont, all at the discretion and approval of the cemetery committee.

8.   Families with relatives interred at Early Cemetery will receive a letter once a year requesting donations for the maintenance of the cemetery.  All funds are given through Rosemont Baptist Church and are to be designated for Early Cemetery.  All gifts are fully tax deductible and the Rosemont will issue a receipt at the end of the tax year for tax purposes.