Rosemont Baptist Church
Monday, February 17, 2025
Serving the Lord Family Style


Rosemont was originally organized as Pinecrest Baptist Church in March 1957. The name was changed to Rosemont Baptist Church in September 1968. The organizational meeting of the Pinecrest Baptist Church was held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Ellis on Edrehi Drive in Niceville in March of 1957. The twenty-five charter members present elected the following officers of the new church: Rev. C. B. Ellis, Pastor, Mrs. D. W. Hatchett, Church Clerk; J. P. Evans, Sr., Treasurer; and B. M. Mullins, Sunday School Superintendent. Dr. Y.L. Anthony preached at this meeting with “The Conquering Church” as his topic. Plans were made to begin a full program of teaching and training in the immediate future.
Rosemont Baptist Church was organized in March of 1957 with the following twenty-five persons as charter members:
1. C. B. Ellis, Sr.
14. Mrs. June Bailey
2. Mrs. C. B. Ellis, Sr.
15. J.T. Johnston
3. Carlton B. Ellis, Jr.
16. Mrs. J.T. Johnston
4. George L. Ellis
17. Joe Krevic
5. J. P. Evans, Sr.
18. Mrs. Joe Krevic
6. Mrs. J.P. Evans
19. Margerine Tedder
7. Marion Evans
20. Jeri Miller Arnold
8. John Bullock
21. W. P. Hicks
9. Pauline Bullock
22. Mrs. Hattie Hicks
10. D.W. Hatchett
23. Wanda Barre
11. Mrs. D.W. Hatchett
24. C.C. Barre
12. B.M. Mullins
25. Mrs. C.C. Barre
13. Mrs. B.M. Mullins
Organized March 1957 - Ellis Home, Edrehi Drive
First Meeting Place 1957 - Evans Home, Niceville Avenue
Second Meeting Place 1957-58 - American Legion Hall
Third Meeting Place February 1958 - Small house at 1610 Twenty-seventh Street (Present Church Office)
Fourth Meeting Place February 1960 - First Building Completed at 1610 Twenty-seventh Street (Present Children and Older Preschool Building)
Fifth Meeting Place April 1972 - First Building on New Site (Present Fellowship Hall)
Sixth Meeting Place October 1977 - Present Auditorium
Reverend Carlton B. Ellis, Sr. - March 1957 to March 1965
At the organizational meeting in March of 1957 Reverend Carlton B. Ellis, Sr., was called as the first pastor. Reverend Ellis was living in the area, having been pastor of First Baptist Church of Niceville and a science teacher at Ruckel Junior High School. He served the church during the first eight years of its existence, resigning in March of 1965. The foundation for future growth was laid during these years. The fact that an additional Baptist church was needed and could grow on the east side of Niceville was demonstrated during these years. Reverend Ellis served the church without pay until 1963, and after that received $10.00 per week salary.
Reverend Parker S. McGlamery - April 1965 to February 4, 1968
On Sunday, April 25, 1965, Reverend Parker S. (Steve) McGlamery, a student at Baptist Bible Institute of Graceville, Florida, was unanimously called as pastor. His salary was set at $25 per week and the J. P. Evans home on Niceville Avenue was provided for him and his family on weekends. The church later voted to pay Mrs. Evans five dollars weekly for the pastor’s room and board. The pastor and family later moved into the four room house located on the church property (the present office suite). Reverend McGlamery brought youth and vision to his first pastorate. Church membership was sixty-five when he came an grew to 83 during his ministry. Possibly the most significant accomplishment of Reverend McGlamery’s pastorate was the acquisition of the land upon which the present church buildings stand. Without this property, any growth and expansion would have been severely limited.
Reverend Robert C. Cupstid - April 10, 1968 to August 18, 1974
Rosemont’s third pastor was Reverend Bob Cupstid, a bivocational pastor who taught at Choctawhatchee High School in Fort Walton Beach. Reverend Cupstid had previously served Oakland and Parkway in the Choctaw Association. In the first meeting of the congregation over which Reverend Cupstid presided as moderator (May 10, 1968), the church voted to build the first unit at the present location. The small, struggling congregation had real difficulty in carrying out this resolution to build. However, primarily due to the efforts of Reverend Cupstid in dealing with various lending institutions, a loan, was secured from First Federal Savings and Loan of DeFuniak Springs in the amount of $30,000. The contractor was employed in July of 1971 and the Dedication Service for the new building (our present Fellowship Hall) was held on April 16, 1972. A humorous incident, precipitated by the long, frustrating wait to secure the new building, occurred when one of the ladies of the church began to lay the building blocks for the new building. Her efforts at construction had to be removed by a bulldozer when the actual construction began. Reverend Cupstid’s dedicated efforts in securing a much needed building, enlarging the organizations of the church and training competent lay leadership paved the way for growth that followed.
Reverend J. C. McLendon - October 25, 1974 to June 1983
On September 15, 1974, Rosemont Baptist Church called Reverend J. C. McLendon who was then serving the Pinecroft Baptist Church of Shreveport, Louisiana, to be the first full time pastor (full-time pay and full-time service). This was a giant step of faith for the small congregation (average attendance of 60). In order to provide a salary for the pastor, twelve men obtained a loan in the amount of $6,000 to be used for this purpose. None of this money was ever used for salary but subsequently became part of the building fund.
In early 1975 the old buildings were moved to the present site and renovated in October of 1977. There was growth in all areas of church life during these nine years. Sunday School enrollment grew from 91 to 622 with an average attendance from 62 to 230. There were 618 members added to the church. The first paid secretary, Linda Locke, began working in July of 1975, and an Minister of Education, Billy F. Gimes, was employed in July 1978. Jackie Hails was part-time music director from October of 1975 until December 31, 1983. A part-time secretary, Joy Jetton, was added to the staff in 1982.
Upon Brother McLendon’s leaving, Brother Joe Bamberg became Interim Pastor at Rosemont. Brother Joe Bamberg endeared himself to the Rosemont congregation by his good preaching and wisdom.
Reverend David S. Throckmorton - June 24, 1984 to May 1989
Rosemont’s fifth pastor had previously served First Baptist Church of Lake Alfred, Florida. A firm foundation had been established in past years enabling he church to launch forward with greater growth and expansion of programs. The Sunday School enrollment grew to 718, with an average attendance of 289, and there was good growth in the mission programs. An educational facility was added in 1985 to meet growing Sunday School needs. A new high in evangelism was achieved in 1986-87 church year with 52 baptisms.
With resignation of Brother Throckmorton, Brother Rayford Duck became interim pastor for the first time at Rosemont. Brother Duck, who lives in his retirement in Crestview, endeared himself to the Rosemont congregation by his wisdom and wit, as well as his good preaching.
Reverend Albert S. Baker, Jr. - September 1989 to September 30, 1990.
Brother Baker came to Rosemont from a pastorate at Call Junction Baptist Church in Kirbyville, Texas. His brief ministry was hindered by problems with a degenerative hip, and surgery which became necessary. One outstanding accomplishment during his pastorate was the paving of the church’s parking lot. Brother Baker resigned and Brother Rayford Duck became the Interim Pastor for the second time at Rosemont.
Reverend Clyde Risen - November 24, 1991 to June 1993
Brother Risen came to Rosemont from the First Baptist Church of Baker, Florida. He helped to initiate some property improvements which included the new sign out front. Plans were also underway to add a second story to the newest educational building.
Brother Risen resigned and Brother Jim Jordan become Interim Pastor. Brother Jim was a retired Southern Baptist Chaplain where he spent 28 years in the US Air Force.
Dr. Sharber W. Smith - May 15, 1994 to March 2010
Rosemont continued to grow under Brother Sharber’s leadership. What a blessing he was to this church. He shared his gifts from God with his church family. He made a mission trip to Australia in 1997, with wonderful anticipation. Rosemont has had so many good things to happen here it is hard to name them all. Our Youth went on a mission trip to Chinle, AZ, Memorial Baptist Church, and were able to minister to the Navaho Reservation. God has been very good to our congregation. He has generously blessed us with many good experiences. An atmosphere of readiness to follow as the Lord leads continues here at Rosemont.

Reverend Doug Fannon – March 14, 2010 to Present
Brother Doug was called as Transitional Pastor on March 14, 2010.  On June 19, 2011, Rosemont called Brother Doug to be our Senior Pastor.  Since  Brother Doug has been here, we’ve taken our first mission trip in ten years to Big Creek, Kentucky. We have also held annually Fall Festivals and Children's Christmas parties for our community. Brother Doug has also led us in two international mission trips to Haiti in November 2015 and October 2016. We also have held annually a “Shop and Sing” community yard sale every March.  Rosemont have been very active every year is sending our shoeboxes for Samaritan's Purse's  Operation Christmas Child.  We are exited about the work God is doing through Rosemont and we look forward to what God will do in the future.

Updated March 2017